Monday, March 15, 2010

a special blog banner

Grace Choi found me via kim-squared, then found gracieKdesigns, and then precious soul. She connected with me after she found out that we knew some of the same people (small world) and how we both struggled with infertility issues. She started a blog about her journey and wanted me to design a banner for her.

She had great ideas, which I incorporated into the above banner. I love the name of her blog and her tag line. I also love her concept of the picture. It is of her and and her husband on the road to start a family.

I know it is a private journey that she and her husband are on, so I am grateful that she allowed me to share her blog with you. If you want to feel inspired, please visit her blog, Chois-R-Us.

1 comment:

  1. thanks again, grace! i just love it so, so, SO much! :)
